Monday, January 14, 2008

My Up date!!

Wow, We are now finished our Working in Beautiful Gates, Cape Town now we are off to Beautiful Gates in Namibia. We head out to our next destination at 8:00am in the morning and have a 21 how. bus ride... That should be lots of Fun (just kidding)!
The time hear in Cape Town had been life changing for me. One of the biggest lessons I have lirned while being hear is that you can have Joy in the midst of struggles. That true happyness is not about what you have but who you have(God, family and friends). Life is beautiful don't waist it.
I have fallen in love with many beautiful children. I wish I could tack home and mack them my own. I don't know if I'm the one that has benefited more by loving on these children then they have. Because as I love my heart is growing bigger and I'm lirning from each one of them.
To give is so much beater then to receive. To give to the neddy even when you don't have much to give but to give it from you heart with love attached.
I worked next to individuals that have No place to lay there head but on road side bench. And fight to just mack a nuffe money to survive.
Our team reach out to the broken man of South Africa and shire the love of the one who has seat us free. That there soles don't have to be held in chains and forced in to a prison even if there body's are. Because God can set them free. Praise God!! I was so privileged to shair with the men just a taste of what God has for them and to shair the life I have found in Him.
I have Seen this Beautiful Country The munitions, Ocean and even pengunis.. Yesterday I watched the most beautiful Sun set...
Well this is onley a taste of every thing that I have been doing.
. I'm not shore if I'm going to be able to write so keep me in your prayers as I go in to a new Journey.....
Love you so much Krista Rose Parker

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Krista.
Miss you... you're on the last leg of your trip and will be home in just a month! Yeah!!! I'm sure that you are loving Africa, but we want you back in the states! Love you... keep your head up.
